Monday, March 24, 2008

Going Home

Have you ever been homesick??? Have you ever been out somewhere and just wanted to go home?
There's something so nice and comfy about know just what to expect don't have to wonder where to find the scissors or if you'll be able to reach your favorite plate...Everything is familar...exactly where and how you want it. It's a place of safety and security...and just... knowing...

When I was in college sometimes I would get soo homesick...the strange thing was...when I was at college I wanted to be at home with my parents...and when I was home with my parents, I wanted to be at college. No matter where I was, I felt like I wanted to go "home", and sometimes I got SOOO frustrated cause I couldn't figure out where home WAS?!? I figured when I graduated and had a place of my own, I'd finally be "home".

But, I wasn't...I spent three years in Groveport and while I recognized I was where God wanted me to be, I still didn't feel like I was "home".
Then, I moved to where I am now, and thought, maybe now I'll feel like I'm home...and for awhile, I did!!! There were boxes everywhere (still are, actually!!!), and I still felt like I was home...for a little while...
Then...about 6 months ago, things got tough at work...relationships started getting hard, harder...and suddenly I was back feeling those college days again...wishing I could go "home", but not knowing where home was...
I started envisioning the typical American dream home with the white picket fence...trying to figure out how I could afford looked inviting, but it wasn't right for me...not yet...and I still didn't see "home" in it...

I guess that's why God's Word tells us that this world isn't our home at all...Philippians 3:20 reminds me that my citizenship is in Heaven. Tada...Home!!! The safe, secure, comfy, familiar place I've been wanting to go all this time, but couldn't find...but now that I have figured out where home IS, I still can't get to it...not yet...but now when I get least I know what to do...I read about Heaven, and think about all the people I love who have gone "home" before me...

For now...I'm where He wants me to be...but someday...I get to go Home!!!


Anonymous said...

When I think of home I think of my warm pjs, my fuzzy socks and comfortable bed. I think that means I like to sleep. Hehe...I understand what you are saying. We long for a world we can't have yet. But we know that God has promised us one day we will go home. Until then we must hide ourselves in God and seek His face.

Shannon said...

Good reminder. I get caught up in this fleeting life, too!